Forrest Garvin is the “Prepper’s Prepper” and has served the survival industry for over 20 years as an instructor, consultant, former CEO of Sun Ovens International, Managing Partner of GrnTek LLC, and founder of the nationwide organization PrepperNet. Having served as a US Air Force NCO with the 317 MAC and JSOC SOLL II out of Pope Air Force Base, Forrest leveraged his military experience into a technology and security position for the Strategic Technology Group for NationsBank and Bank of America. He then created several technology startups, including an incubator space that led to many successes.
Not one to let time and experience go to waste, Forrest expanded his skill sets to include NRA instructor, HAM General license holder, and operator, Krav Maga apprentice instructor, and radio/podcast host. He owns Grayman Protection LLC, Garvin Academy, and is the owner/lead instructor of Carolina Survival & Preparedness Academy in Charlotte, NC.
Through these ventures and his survival academy, Forrest has led courses in self-defense, homesteading, firearms, home-based business, family preparedness, and survival skills. Looking to extend preparedness to other groups, Forrest founded the Carolina Preppers Network, which he grew into the national organization PrepperNet. To date, PrepperNet has over 100,000 members across the world.
As an author, Forrest draws on this vast experience to bring real-world advice and valuable guidance to preppers, both new and seasoned. His four books "Entrepreneurship for Survival," “The Preparedness Roadmap,” “The Case for Christian Preparedness: Faith and Prepping for Survival (Christian Prepper Series Book 1),” “Stand Firm to the End (Christian Prepper Series Book 2)” are yet another way in which he shares his knowledge with audiences throughout the world.
Forrest lives in North Carolina, dedicating his life to his family, Christian fellowship, and preparing others for the end of the world.

Entrepreneurship For Survival
Gain Freedom with a
Home-Based Business
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By Forrest Garvin

The Preparedness Roadmap:
A practical guide to family readiness in disasters and emergencies
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By Forrest Garvin
The Case for Christian Preparedness:
Faith and Prepping for Survival
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By Forrest Garvin